auf deutsch language-switchlast updated 2024-10-03 05:28

short version CV

Name, First name Hartnagel, Martin Peter
Postal address Hohenkuhnsdorf 18, 04916 Schoenewalde, Germany
Date of birth 23.09.1976
Telephone +49 3536 2749904
Mobile +49 177 8108446
Sex male
Primary and Middle School Modautalschule, Landkreises Darmstadt-Dieburg in Modautal, 01.08.1983 - 01.07.1989
Grammar School Lichtenbergschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, 01.08.1989 - 01.06.1996, Degree, Mark: Abitur (equiv. A-Levels), 1.3 (equiv. to “A”)
Civil Service KHG in Bielefeld, Gemany, 02.09.1996 - 30.09.1997
University-Studies Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Dresden (FH), Sachsen, Germany, 01.09.1997 - 20.11.2001
Final degree Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Final mark sehr gut (equiv. “very good”)
Experience Abroad practical semester near Strasbourg, France: prototype design and implementation of a Virtual Museum, 01.09.1999 - 01.01.2000
Employed 2002 - 2011
Freelancing since 2012
language skills German: fluent (mother tongue) , English: fluent (mother tongue) , French: good
Full stack development React or Angular in the Frontend, Java Spring Boot in the Backend, Containerized, in agile SCRUM teams
Hobbies Climbing
Interests member of the German Alpine Club (DAV)

Upon request, access to my complete profile with CV as a freelance software developer can be provided.

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